
DBX! Ashi vs Zuko

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Today was a peaceful day for the Fire Nation Capital.

The sky was grey and overcast, signifying that it would rain later throughout the day. A slight wind blew threw out the capital, creating a gentle feeling amongst the citizens. Speaking of the citizens, most of them were inside their homes and there was not a single person out and about...

...That is, except for the 6 citizens riding inside of a carriage. Who were these citizens? They were just your ordinary Fire Nation inhabitants, and they were on their way to see the Fire Lord known as Fire Lord Zuko. However, not everyone would make it to their destination. Little did the citizens know, they were being stalked by a group of septuplets: each with skin covered in solidified tar and white masks consisting of black horns. The carriage came to a sudden stop.

"What?" one of the carriage riders exclaimed. "Why did we stop?"

"Fire Lord Zuko!" one of the septuplets yelled. "Are you in there?! Show yourself Fire Lord so you can die!"

"What?" a bulky, muscular carriage ride member exclaimed. "Who are you and what do you want with our leader!?"

"Answer our question first and then we shall answer yours scum..."

"Scum!?" the muscular citizen exclaimed. "Who do you think you're talking to!? When I get my hands on you!" As the muscular man, and 4 other carriage riders began to stand and drawn their swords, another slimmer, more scrawnier carriage rider stood to his feet and made everyone sit down. 

"Hey! Calm down," he said to his fellow comrades. "Maybe we should just do what they tell us to do."

"I would advise that you listen to your friend," the leader of the septuplets answered. "He seems to be the most wise of your group."

"I'm sorry," the muscular citizen told his scrawny friend. "But I will not let these females disgrace us and the name of our Fire Lord. Let's go guys!" Everyone, except for the scrawny member, exited the carriage and engaged the septuplets in battle.

From inside the carriage, all the scrawny carriage member could hear were the screams of his friends. They were being slaughtered by the assassins. Blood was spattering all over the beautiful carriage, even managing to get into the scrawny man's eyes, and the surviving carriage member was quivering in fear. Once the slaughter finished, the roof of the carriage was ripped off by one of the females. The quivering survivor's jaw dropped as he saw who it was that attacked him and his fellow comrade.

"No way, I can't believe this," he said. "The Daughters of Aku..."

The leader of the Daughters of Aku, Ashi, grabbed the survivor by his throat and lifted him into the air. "Now then..." Ashi said. "If you don't want to end up like your friends, you will cooperate and tell us where your precious Fire Lord is. Don't lie either, because we will find you again."

"Okay okay!" he panicked. "Look. I-I was just on the way to our lord's house. If you come with me, I can show him to you, just don't kill me please!"

Ashi shook her head in disappointment. "Such weakness. You'd give away your false lord to value your own life?"

"We-well, kind of."

"Your weakness disgusts me," Ashi said as she threw the man back unto the ground. "But your cooperation is greatly appreciated. GO! Lead us to your leader and we shall spare your life for it."

"Really?" the man responded.

"Do not make change my mind..." Ashi said. "GO! And remember, Zuko is not your lord and master. Aku is!"

The man got up and ran away from the Daughters. Luckily for him, the man wasn't too far away from the location of Fire Lord Zuko. Before Ashi and the other Daughters of Aku ran after the man, one of Ashi's sister began asking her leader "Why Ashi? Why would you spare the man? Aku does not allow mercy!"

"Who said we will let him live after he leads us to the Fire Lord? His weakness alone is not enough to stand before the might of Aku. Once we find Zuko, we will annihilate him and his leader!"


Fire Nation Royal Palace

Inside the Fire Nation's royal palace was none other than the scarred Fire Lord, Zuko, and his friends, Toph Beifong: The Greatest Earthbender in the world, Sokka and Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, and none other than the Avatar himself, Avatar Aang. Like the other citizens of the Fire Nation Capital, they were simply enjoying their day, but their moods quickly changed once they heard a loud bang on the palace's entrance door. One of Zuko's guards hurried and opened the door, as Zuko and the gang were walking to the entrance.

Once the guard opened the doors, the man who survived the carriage ride assault quickly fell into Zuko's arms.

"Zuko, my lord," the man cried. "Please forgive me."

"What's wrong?" Zuko asked. "Why are your eyes covered in blood?"

"Fire Lord Zuko. You must run! The Daughters of Aku, they're here to-GAH!" Before the man could finish his sentence, multiple kunais flew into his back, his throat, and the back of his head, killing the man almost instantly. Zuko and the gang quickly stepped back as they watched the deceased man fall to the ground.

"No..." Zuko murmured under his breath.

"What was that?" Aang questioned.

"Guys..." Toph said. "I don't think this one is the only victim."

"What do you mean?" Katara asked.

"I don't know why, but there's a group of naked females running around the capital and killing whoever they come across...and I have a feeling he's the one who brought them here," Toph said as she pointed at the corpse of the man.

"Wait wait wait wait wait. Did you say they were naked?" Sokka asked.

"Sokka!" Katara exclaimed.

"What? I'm just asking. Aren't you curious why they're naked too?" Sokka questioned.

"Well technically they aren't truly naked. Their bodies are just covered in solidified tar," Toph said. "Don't ask me why."

"Wait so we're being attacked by naked chicks wearing tar as their outfits? And according to this guy, they call themselves the Daughters of Aku. Well this day couldn't have gotten any weirder," Sokka sighed.

"Well come on guys!" Aang exclaimed. "We gotta get out their and stop this massacre before it gets any worse."

"Aang's right," Katara responded. "We have to stop this from getting any worse."

And without saying another word, Team Avatar set out to find the Daughters of Aku and put an end to their massacre. It didn't take long until Team Avatar ran into the Daughters of Aku and confronted them about the mass murder of the Fire Nation's citizen. Of course, Sokka was the first member to confront the Daughters of Aku.

"Hey you seven!" Sokka shouted.

"Sokka what are you doing?" Zuko asked.

"What? I'm showing these killers they can't just come into this nation and kill whoever they want," Sokka responded. "Anyway, I'll have you know that if you don't stop this, you'll have to answer to me!" Sokka then drew out his boomerang. "I have the smarts, the weapon, and the skill to take you all down. I have no more patience for this, no time to waste, no mercy to give, and no-" As Sokka was taunting, one of the Daughters of Aku threw a kunai at him, causing him to fall on his knees and quiver in fear.

"...And no powers," the assassin said, finishing Sokka's sentence.

"Yeah...way to strike fear into their hearts Sokka," Toph taunted.

"Alright enough!" Aang exclaimed. "Why are you here and what's your deal with the Fire Nation? Why are you attacking it?"

"Better question is..." Sokka said as he stood back on his feet. "What's your goal and purpose?"

"Sokka that's exactly what I just ask-"

"Shush shush. I got this Aang," Sokka said. "And another thing-AH!" the same Daughter of Aku tried to stab Sokka with her blade, but luckily for Sokka, Toph erected a wall of solid stone in front of him to save the brains of the group. "Ok. Maybe I should stop trying to be menacing because it's not working."

"Ya think?" Toph answered.

"Alright look! I don't know why you're here nor do I care," Zuko exclaimed. "All I know is that if you know what's good for you, you'd leave the Fire Nation. Now!"

"And if we refuse to follow your orders?" Ashi questioned. 

"If you refuse, just know that I won't hold back against you."

"You fool!" Ashi laughed. "To think that you truly stand a chance against the force of Aku is truly amusing. He is the true master of masters. He is above any Fire Lord to have come into existence...including you!"

"Aku?" Sokka said. "Isn't that the giant talking tree guy with great flaming eyebrows or something?"

"You mean the one who kind of sounds like Iroh?" Toph asked.

"Yeah. I think that's the guy..."

"Shut up!" Ashi yelled. "How dare you disgrace out lord by not knowing who he is and comparing him to this scum you call Iroh!"

"That does it..." Zuko said. "Aang, Toph, Katara. You guys deal with the other Daughters of Aku. I'll stay here and deal with their loud mouth leader."

"What about me?" Sokka asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah. You help Aang and them too I guess. Just don't get yourself Sokka," Zuko answered.

"Good luck Zuko," Aang said. Zuko smirked.

"Thanks," Zuko responded. "Same to you."

"Alright sisters. The samurai can wait. We will eradicate the Avatar and his friends. We will find glory in our master's eyes but eliminating any false leader who thinks they are above him, that includes you too, Avatar Aang," Ashi said. Ashi then yelled to her sisters, "Go! Kill! The Avatar!"

Team Avatar and the Daughters of Aku engaged in combat. Meanwhile, Zuko and Ashi prepared themselves for battle. Zuko took his stance and Ashi pulled out her Kusarigama. Lightning began to strike from the grey clouds above the nation.

"You are truly a fool Zuko to think you stand a chance against the forces of Aku!"

"Maybe I don't stand a chance against Aku, but I'm not fighting against Aku. You're simply just one of his blind followers," Zuko said.

"And for that...Aku will have your head!"

Credit to for the image

(Skip to 0:25)

Zuko made the first move. He fired a massive stream of fire which at first shocked Ashi, but she quickly evaded the attack by rolling to the side. Zuko then jabbed both his fists forward, creating two massive streams of flames towards Ashi, but again Ashi was able to avoid being burnt to a crisp by leaping over the attack. As soon as Ashi landed on her feet, she swung her chain and sickle at Zuko, but the Fire Lord quickly stepped to the side in order to avoid being struck by Ashi's kusarigama. 

Ashi swung her kusarigama again. This time she was aiming the sickle straight for Zuko's neck, but Zuko quickly ducked under Ashi's bladed weapon and released a trail of flames by sweeping his foot along the ground. Ashi took action and quickly leaped above Zuko's fire blast, but as soon as she landed on her feet, Zuko jabbed his fists back and forth multiple times. With each thrust, a torrent of flames were released from Zuko's fists. Ashi was able to evade quite of few of Zuko's fire blasts, but one managed to tag her and pushed her back a few inches.

Now that she was opened, Zuko performed the same tactic, except this time he was putting much more force behind his fire blasts. Ashi wasn't not able to avoid these fire blasts, and she was getting hit by each and every one of Zuko's flame attacks. The final fire blast Zuko released was powerful to knock Ashi flat on her back and he tried to take advantage of this quickly. The Fire Lord leaped into the air, raising his foot above his head and igniting said foot in flames, and swung his foot downwards in a violently. But before Zuko could crush his opponent, Ashi quickly bent her knees and delivered an upwards dropkick.

Her feet rammed into Zuko's side, cracking one of his ribs and launching him a couple of feet into the air.

"Ugh..." Zuko grunted as he grabbed his injured side. "She's much stronger than she appears. If I want to win this, I can't fight so recklessly. I have to step it up a bit."

Ashi dashed towards Zuko and began circling around him at speeds much greater than anything he has ever seen before. She appeared as nothing more than a blur in Zuko's vision. Zuko raised his hands quickly, forming a generating a ring of fire around Zuko, but before the flames could rise high enough to protect Zuko, Ashi rushed towards Zuko and delivered an earth shattering punch to the Fire Lord's cheek, launching him a huge distance away.  

Zuko quickly hopped back to his feet and made another attempt to create his fire wall, but once again Ashi managed to get past his defense faster than he could set it up. Once Ashi got past his defense, Zuko jabbed his fist forward, releasing a massive stream of flames towards Ashi, but Ashi simply vanished from Zuko's vision and reappeared behind him. Zuko quickly turned around and propelled his fist forward, releasing another torrent of flames, but Ashi vanished once again and continued to reappeared from various angles.

Every time Zuko was able to notice Ashi, the young firebender used his firebending to attack, but Ashi continued to use her superior speed and agility to avoid his assault.

"How fast is she?" Zuko questioned.

Ashi reappeared face to face with Zuko, causing Zuko to jab his fist quickly, but Ashi vanished again. Before the Fire Lord could react, Ashi came down from the sky and delivered a powerful axe kick to his skull, causing Zuko to collapse unto the ground.

"Pathetic!" Ashi taunted as she raised her foot, preparing to slam it down on Zuko and finish this battle.

"Enough!" Zuko shouted as propelled both his fists forward, hitting Ashi in the face with two powerful fire blasts.

(*music stops*)

Ashi placed her hands on her face, screaming from the agony Zuko had just inflicted on her. Zuko saw this opening and began assaulting Ashi with powerful bursts of firebending. Fire jabs, fire foot sweeps, fire kicks: Zuko was performing every technique he could think of to overwhelm Ashi. After hitting Ashi with his final fire blast, Zuko ran towards Ashi and delivered a flame-enhanced roundhouse kick to the jaw, knocking Ashi to the floor. Ashi finally removed her hands from her face, revealing that Zuko's fire had left a scar on her face, similar to Zuko's.

Ashi did not stay down however. She quickly hopped back on her feet, taking out her kusarigama again. Zuko chuckled.

"After all that, you still won't give up!?" Zuko exclaimed. "Go ahead. Keep fighting me. I'll burn your face as bad as your body."

Ashi narrowed her eyes. "Die..."

"Not by your hands..."

Ashi dashed towards Zuko at hypersonic speeds, leaping into the air and delivering a roundhouse kick that was aimed for Zuko's face. However, Zuko was able to unsheathe his Dual Dao Swords before Ashi could reach him. The Fire Lord thrust his, aiming for Ashi's torso. Luckily for the Daughter of Aku, she capable of avoiding being sliced in two, but Zuko's blades did graze her left side, causing her to yelp in pain and grab her sides.

"Hurts doesn't it?" Zuko taunted. "If I were you, I'd stop relying on your fists and focus more on your kusarigama." Zuko then took his fighting stance. "Not like it'll help you any."

Zuko thrust his swords forward multiple times, sending forth multiple streams of firebending, but Ashi capable of evading every fire blast Zuko sent her way. Once Ashi found her opening, she sent her kusarigama flying at Zuko. Her weapon managed to wrapped around Zuko's wrist, impaling the wrist.

"Get over here!" Ashi yelled as she yanked Zuko towards her. 

Desperate, Zuko used his free hand to swing his blade towards Ashi, but Ashi simply stepped to the side in order to dodge Zuko's attack. Ashi then raised her hand into the air, causing her weapon and Zuko to fly into the air. And with a furious downward swipe of her hands, Ashi slammed Zuko into the concrete ground hard enough to crack it, and she was not finished with Zuko yet. While he was down on the ground, Ashi began swinging her kusarigama in a such around that Zuko appeared a ring surrounding Ashi. His blood began to smear on the concrete, creating a ring of blood.

The assassin then swung the Fire Lord over her head and tossed him into a nearby a boulder, completely shattering it upon impact.

"Why did I tell her to rely on this thing?"

Ashi yanked Zuko towards her again, but as he was being pulled, Zuko managed to jump off of the ground deliver a flame-enhanced spinning hook kick to Ashi's face, causing her to stumble back a bit. Again, she yanked Zuko towards her and delivered an earth shattering punch to Zuko's gut, causing the firebender to cough up blood. He did not let this slow him down however as he still managed to deliver a powerful headbutt to Ashi's forehead, causing Ashi to drop the chain of her weapons and stumble back.

While she was distracted, Zuko attacked Ashi with his firebending in order to buy himself time. Quickly, Zuko pull the sickle out of the meat of his wrist. "No more..." Zuko murmured as he threw Ashi's weapon and broke the chains with a single kick.  Ashi recovered from Zuko's blow and saw her most valuable weapon was now broken. 

"No!" Ashi yelled.

"What now? You're defenseless. This is my last warning," Zuko said as he pointed his blade at Ashi. "Give up now!"

"No!" Ashi responded. "No matter what, I won't stop fighting until I kill you!" Moments after saying this, Ashi reached behind herself and tossed multiple kunais at Fire Lord Zuko, but the Fire Lord was able to successfully dodge the kunais with little trouble, but he didn't know that this was all apart of Ashi's plan.

Ashi then sprinted towards Zuko and threw another kunai at the young firebender, but Zuko swatted the kunai away with his Dual Dao Sword. However, while Zuko's body was in motion, Ashi sprinted towards him at speeds over 9000 mph and kicked one of Zuko's blades out of his hand and then delivered a powerful gut punch that pushed Zuko back. Rain began to fall from the grey clouds above. Lightning began to streak from the clouds as well.

Ashi grabbed sword she knocked out of Zuko's hand and swung it towards Zuko's neck, but Zuko intercepted her attack and blocked the sword strike by raising his own blade. Using his free hand, Zuko pushed Ashi back with a powerful fire blast. The two engaged in an intense sword duel. Both opponents delivered quick and swift blows, parried powerful strikes, and even sliced through the rain drops at incredible speeds. Ashi was relying on strong offense, forcing Zuko to rely on his firebending and defensive stances.

Ashi and Zuko clashed their swords together. Ashi tried to overwhelm Zuko with her superior strength, but Zuko was standing his ground. With a quick foot sweep, Zuko created a torrent of flames around Ashi's feet, causing her to jump back. Zuko looked into the sky and noticed that lightning was striking near his location. Zuko smirked.

The Daughter of Aku ran towards Zuko, sword swinging, but Zuko was able to parry all of the strikes without much issue. Ashi thrust her blade forward, but Zuko evaded the strike and swung his blade downward, slicing through Ashi's hand. Ashi yelped in pain as Zuko quickly grabbed the sword she dropped. Now with both his blades, Zuko swung his swords horizontally, launched a ball of fire that hit Ashi dead in her face. Ashi recovered from the blow and leaped towards Zuko, however Zuko delivered a powerful upward kick to Ashi's gut, causing her to vomit blood and fall to the ground.

"You just don't know when to quit do you?" Zuko said. "You've lost this battle. Why is that so hard for you to realize?"

"You worthless scum! I will kill you! You can never escape from Aku! You will die! You will die a horrible death! And then Aku will sing for he is free from the parasite that you are! Die, Zuko! Die, die you scum! Die! Die! Die, Zuko! YOU WILL DIE!!!

"I'll take that as a no..." Zuko said as he sheathed his Dual Dao Swords. "...You remind me of my sister."

"Aku..." Ashi murmured in head, but before she made another attempt in taking Zuko's life, she heard a voice in her head.

"Sweetheart..." this voice was none other than the great and powerful Aku! "You have to bring out your best to defeat him, and your best part is me!"

Ashi's body began to transform, baffling Zuko. Ashi's body was engulfed in a strange substance that was as black as tar. Her eyes vanished and hand regenerate as if she had now obtained a healing factor. Her eyes reappeared, but they were just white circles with red, flaming eyebrows. This was Ashi's transformation. This was her corrupted form.

"What?" Zuko murmured. "What...happened?"

The now corrupted Ashi summoned a blade in her hands, infusing it with her flames. Zuko took his stance. He had no idea about what he was up against, but he couldn't back down now.

Like a wild maniac, Ashi rushed towards Zuko, dragging her flame infused sword along the concrete, and quickly circled the firebender at speeds much greater than what Zuko could process, causing an explosion of flames in Zuko's face. Luckily for Zuko, he was able to create a shield of flames to protect himself. Now that she was close, the corrupted Ashi swung her flaming blade furiously multiple times, but Zuko managed to barely parry and block all of the demon's swift strikes.

Ashi swung her blade downward, but Zuko quickly hopped to the side and dodged the strike. Ashi tried her best to overwhelm the Fire Nation's leader, but Zuko was managing to barely parry the strikes. Once Zuko found his opening, he plunged his blade at Ashi, slicing through the tar-like substance that was her skin. Though the sword strike created a gash in her body, Zuko noticed how quickly she was able to patch her skin back together. Zuko looked at the blade he used to slice Ashi's skin and noticed that Ashi's tar-like substance was eating the metal on the blade, forcing Zuko to throw the sword on the ground.

Zuko jabbed his fist forward, generating a torrent of flames, but Ashi simply walked through the flames as if it was nothing. Ashi transformed her hand into a spike and plunged her spike towards Zuko, but Zuko managed to narrowly dodge the attack, though Ashi did manage to graze his cheek. Zuko grabbed Ashi's arm and tossed her over his shoulder.

Zuko looked up into the sky and saw lightning was booming everywhere. He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. Ashi recovered from the blow and crawled towards Zuko in a fashion similar to a mantis, but as she crawled towards Zuko at high speeds, lightning struck from the clouds and towards Zuko. Zuko quickly extended his finger and intercepted the lightning, absorbing its energy and letting it flow through his body. Zuko then released the energy through his fingertips, firing a powerful lightning bolt at Ashi.

Ashi was struck with lightning and was pushed back. The Daughter of Aku grunted in pain and the tar-like substance began to expand, revealing Ashi's human face. Zuko quickly saw this opportunity and performed a side kick, releasing a fire blast from his feet. However, the tar-like substance covered Ashi's human face back up.

"So she's still vulnerable under all that defense," Zuko noted. "When she reveals her face again, that's when I'll strike. I'll make sure this is the final blow. But how am I going to do it? She's not flinching at my firebending and my sword is useless against her. Maybe..."

By thrusting both of his clenched fists forward, Zuko generated a fire blast the size of a building that engulfed Ashi's body in flames, but Ashi was unaffected and kept pressing forward. She leaped into the air and swung her blade to the ground. Once the sword hit the ground, it created an explosion powerful enough to launch Zuko through multiple walls and cough up blood.

Ashi charged towards Zuko, ready to deliver the final blow by aiming her flaming sword straight for Zuko's heart. Ashi plunged her blade right for Zuko's heart: the flames on her blade began to grow stronger...but Zuko stepped to the side and dodged the attack. At that moment, Zuko disarmed Ashi of her blade and used it against her.

Zuko swung Ashi's own weapon at the corrupted Ashi's neck, and it was successful. Ashi's head rolled off her body. The tar-like substance soon vanished and Ashi's body returned to normal. Blood began to spew from the neck of her body. Zuko closed his eyes and turned away.

"I'm sorry..." Zuko said. "I didn't mean to take it that far, but now you won't be able to harm anyone anymore."

Zuko then opened his eyes and shoved Ashi's sword into the ground. He had won the battle between his difficult adversary, and now he was gong to join his friends in successfully defeating the Daughters of Aku.


Meanwhile, in the castle of the evil Shapeshifting Master of Darkness, Aku and a certain elderly man were watching the battle go down. Aku couldn't believe what he saw but the elderly man was happy to see that Zuko had won the battle against Ashi.

"How?!" Aku yelled.

"See? I told you my nephew would beat her," the man who was cheering was none other than Uncle Iroh. "I didn't expect him to go that far though. Well I'm glad he's still alive."

"But he doesn't even have a holy weapon! Ugh..." Aku sighed. "Well....I have no more words to say."

Iroh then offered Aku some tea. "Here. Have some calming Jasmine Tea. I insist."

"Thanks Iroh," Aku said as he took the tea. "You know, I'm now realizing that you do kind of sound like me. Just a tiny bit."

"Really?" Iroh said. "I haven't noticed. So, anymore bets you want to make?"

"HA!" Aku laughed. "I bet the pathetic samurai can beat the bald monk child!"

"Oh..." Iroh said. "You mean Aang. How much?"

"Hmm....I'll go 500 yen."

"Sounds good enough to me. But if you lose, don't get mad at me," Iroh said.

"Bwahahaha! The samurai is nearly unstoppable really. I doubt the Avatar can beat him," Aku scolded.

"You're on," Iroh said. "Oh and I think one of your daughters could make a good lady friend for Zuuukoooo."

"Really?" Aku questioned.

"I mean yeah. They are extra thicc."

My very first DBX. Hope you enjoy. I do not own these characters
© 2017 - 2024 Strunton
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Tamala1's avatar

This is an amazing fight and if you don't mind my asking seeing you managed to get these two down right from the way fight, talk, act, etc. will you ever use these two in a Death Battle if you can find a good opponent for them?